Hesperus Ski Patrol T-Shirts was a recent job for Just Click Printing. We printed over 200 shirts to prepare Hesperus Mountain Ski Patrol for the 2015-2016 ski season. This ski run is located just west of Durango, Colorado, and this is the 52nd year for the Ski patrol to operate at this location. The Hesperus Ski Patrol T-Shirts were screen printed on our newest machine, a Workhorse Saber automatic screen press. This new press, combined with our other screen printing machines, gives Just Click Printing the capacity to print large quantities of t-shirts at a very economical cost. We currently have 3 screen printing presses plus a direct to garment digital press, 3 offset printing presses, 2 high speed digital presses, and a full-service bindery department. We utilize the large 4 color press for printing excellent quality full-color materials including brochures, flyers, postcards, newsletters, newspaper inserts, rack cards, and many other types of full color materials, the 2-color press to print carbonless forms, business cards, envelopes, flyers, etc, and a one color press that we use primarily to print single color envelopes. As a full service commercial printer, Just Click Printing can meet your printing needs. We also do direct mail, EDDM mailings, photo enlargements, banners, car door magnets, foam core signs, and other printed materials. We have two locations, ship nationwide, and have a friendly, trained staff that can help you with graphic design, offset and digital printing, screen printing, mailings, – all your printing needs. Just Click us online or in person at 450 S. Camino del Rio #104, Durango, CO, 970-247-5228, and 1305 W. Main St., Farmington, NM 505-326-1344. So, whether it is Hesperus Ski Patrol T-Shirts or your own needs, Just Click Printing is here for you. http://www.justclickprinting.com/t-shirt-design-studio-durango-farmington/
Online Printing Service
Just Click Printing is an online printing service; that is, our website is interactive so that you can search for pricing, order your job, submit your files. We aren’t called “Just Click Printing” to sound good, but to let you know that you can click your mouse and order your jobs. We will get back to you right away when you contact us. Our customer service people are helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable. Just Click Printing is a full service commercial print shop, with locations in New Mexico and Colorado, but serving customers nationwide. In addition to offset printing Just Click Printing has two digital printing machines, Screen Printing equipment for printing T-shirts and other items, and Embroidery equipment to provide top-quality embroidery on hats, shirts, coats, beanies, towels, and other items. The address for quality, reasonably priced online printing, as well as screen printing and embroidery is www. justclickprinting.com
Just Click Printing wants to be your online printing service. We have presses that accommodate sheets up to 13″ x 19″, print full color or black & white. We provide the things you need to operate and advertise your business:
- business cards,
- carbonless forms (2-3-4-5 part forms)
- envelopes
- letterheads
- brochures
- appointment cards
- flyers
- invoices
- newsletters
- newspaper inserts
- postcards
- posters
- rackcards
- statement stuffers
- T-shirts
- car door magnets
- announcements
- invitations
- engineering prints
- photo enlargements
- yard signs
- banners
- coreplast and foam core signs
- door hangers
- EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)
- graphic design
- embroidery
In other words, Just Click Printing can get you what you need, when you need it, at a fair, competitive price, and let you order from your computer, tablet or phone, with the best in online printing service.
Or, feel free to come into either of our shops, 1305 W. Main St., Farmington, NM and 450 S. Camino del Rio #104, Durango, CO. We will be happy to see you and happy to serve you. www. justclickprinting.com
Just Click Printing does monthly newsletters for several clubs and organizations. Among those are the Durango Elks club newsletter, the Durango Gun Club newsletter, the San Juan Basin Archaeological Society newsletter. The quantities vary greatly, but the idea is the same. If you need a regular print job, newsletters, postcards, brochures, posters, business cards, door hangers, or similar jobs that come around regularly, Just Click printing will be happy to help you. We print, fold, collate, and get these ready for mailing. We also do addressing and mailing if you need that service. If your need is one time or recurring Every Door Direct Mail, we also regularly do such mailings, from small mailings to huge county wide mailings. We can produce your job in a timely manner, with quality work and excellent service. Contact us at , or come in to see us at either of our locations, 1305 w. Main St., Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 326-1344) or 450 S. Camino del Rio #104, Durango, CO 81301 (970-247-5228). In fact, for all your printing needs, from A to Z, newsletters included, contact us. We are here to serve your printing needs, with commercial and individual printing, screen printing of T-shirts, banners, Foam Core and Coreplast rigid signs, labels, car door magnets, and a host of other useful items. We ship nationwide. www.justclickprinting.com
Just Click Printing, Durango & Farmington
Just Click Printing, Durango & Farmington, printed 2000 8-page booklets for James Ranch.
This job was printed with black ink on 60 lb. white paper, folded, collated, and stapled. James Ranch uses these to provide a self-guided tour of their ranch. James Ranch is a Durango, Colorado, ranch that specializes in producing quality beef and dairy products, pork and garden offerings, that utilize organic, sustainable, grass-based practices. We have printed menus, booklets, flyers for their “Burger and Band” series, and other items for them. They provide a unique Old West service combined with the best food production and service practices. The entire Durango area is a great tourist destination, with mountains and rivers that provide hiking, sightseeing, rafting and other water activities, as well as railroading and numerous outdoor recreational opportunities. Just Click Printing is happy to serve the community and the surrounding Four Corners region with the best in commercial printing. We have graphic designers and printers to serve all your printing needs. Just Click Printing has printed in the Four Corners since 1983, thirty-two years of friendly, quality service to businesses and individuals. We have a great staff of friendly, experienced, and knowledgeable folks at 1305 W. Main St., Farmington, NM, and 450 S. Camino del Rio #104, Durango, CO (505-326-1344, 970-247-5228, 800-356-1344). Let us serve you. http://www.justclickprinting.com/ – Just Click us on line or in person.
Just Click Printing offers
- Full Color Printing
- T-Shirts
- EDDM Every Door Direct Mail
- Letterheads
- Brochures
- Envelopes
- Business Cards
- Appointment cards
- Banners
- Copies
- Carbonless forms
- Color Copies
- Digital Garment Printing
- Screen Printing
- Graphic Design
- Engineering Prints
- Newsletters
- Newspaper Inserts
- Photo Enlargements
- Postcards
- Posters
- Rackcards
- Statement Stuffers
- Yard Signs
- Bookmarks
- Invitations
- Announcements
- and, many other options of printed materials
EDDM – Every Door Direct Mail Farmington, NM
EDDM – Every Door Direct Mail Farmington, NM – Casey Construction put over 38,500 mailers in the hands of local residents. This mailing consisted of a postcard with specific information about a promotion and the work done by Casey Construction. EDDM – Every Door Direct Mail is an important service provided by Just Click Printing for its customers. EDDM – Every Door Direct Mail Farmington, NM – Casey Construction is designed to reach the potential customers of Northwest New Mexico and Southern Colorado. This easy-to-use mailing technique can reach your customers effectively with the message you want to distribute, either as a business are organization. Whether you want to reach a small specific area or blanket an entire county, it would be good for you to investigate the benefits of direct mail to your business. This puts a mail piece with your information in the hands of potential customers – a win-win situation. We design and mail these pieces to provide maximum impact for your advertising dollar.
EDDM does not require a mailing list, a mailing permit, or any experience with mailings. It can target specific neighborhoods or an entire town. It is simple to initiate, a great way to contact new potential customers, and cost effective. Contact us for information or to plan your next advertising campaign. We give expert help to make your EDDM a success. Just Click Printing is the best contact in Farmington and the entire Four Corners region to make EDDM work for you. http://www.justclickprinting.com/rp_product/every-door-direct-mail/. We are a full-service commercial printer for all your printing needs, with shops in Farmington, NM and Durango, CO, with full color capability, from business cards to brochures, to EDDM. We also print T-shirts with either screen printing or digital garment printing. We have a great experienced staff to help you get started on your next great adventure.
Eagle Crane T-shirts
The Eagle Crane T-Shirts printed by Just Click Printing are printed front and back, with burgandy and black ink. Eagle Crane is an excellent crane service in Durango, Colorado. When we purchased our four color printing press in Connecticut, we needed someone who could handle a 14,000 lb precision machine without damaging it. Eagle Crane was the only company in the area willing to unload a printing press that weighed that much and needed to be handled carefully. It had to come off a truck and be moved into our building., and it had to print correctly when installed. We appreciate their expertise and their help. So, when Eagle Crane T-Shirts were needed, we were happy to help. The Eagle Crane logo is an eagle with its wings spread, sitting atop a building truss. The Eagle Crane t-shirts have their logo in the pocket location and again much larger on the back of the white shirt. It makes an attractive design that advertises their business wherever they go. We have been really busy this spring with T-shirt printin, and we would be happy to work with you to get exactly what you need to let people know what you are doing in your business.
We offer excellent competitive prices, fast turn-around, and friendly service. We have a great staff that will help you with questions and placing your t-shirt orders.
We are a full-service print shop, producing business printing ranging for business cards to full color brochures, 2-3-4 part carbonless forms, letterheads, envelopes. T-shirts like the Eagle Crane T-Shirts are only one of the many thing we can provide our customers. We do both screen printing and digital garment print to offer a wide array of service to meet your needs. We ship nationwide from our faciltities in New Mexico and Colorado. Come visit Just Click Printing at either of our locations, 1305 W. Main St., Farmington, NM, and, 450 S. Camino del Rio #104, Durango, CO.
Baseball T-Shirts/Softball T-Shirts
Baseball and Softball seasons mean Baseball T-Shirts/Softball T-shirts. It is warm and sunny, and the competition is great. Farmington has a great baseball and softball atmosphere, with teams that compete at a high level, and the city also hosts the Connie Mack World Series every year. Wherever you are, the same kinds of things are true: People love sports and involvement in them. Your high school teams get your kids involved in activities that teach them important life lessons.
The family of a Farmington High School player ordered several of these t-shirts to support their player. It is a good way to get lots of people involved in the games, student activities, and especially in supporting your favorite player. Baseball T-Shirts/Softball T-Shirts promote involvement in school activities and let everyone know you really want their help in cheering on the team and individual players. It is vitally important these days to be involved in school and community activities with your school age children. Screen printed or digitally printed Baseball T-Shirts/Softball t-shirts can be an important part of that involvement. Just Click Printing can put your local high school logo on the shirt, along with the uniform number, the athlete’s name, the team and school name, – just about anything that would help cheer on your athlete or team. We can use your design or do the graphic design for you.
Just Click Printing is happy to participate with you in such activities. We print T-Shirts for local people and activities, as well as print for events, promotions, and businesses throughout the US. Order online http://www.justclickprinting.com/t-shirt-design-studio-durango-farmington/, or come into one of our shops in either Farmington, NM or Durango, CO. We will be happy to serve you. “Just click” us in person or online, locally or nationwide, for t-shirts or any of your commercial printing needs.
Leadership Team T-Shirts
Leadership Team T-Shirts were recently printed for the Farmington, NM, High School Student Leadership Team for a conference they were having. This attractive shirt identified the students involved as well as visualized the concept to other students, faculty, and community members. Just Click Printing, THE T-Shirt Makers, printed about 120 of these 2-color screen printing t-shirts. The design was furnished by the school. Leadership Team T-Shirts are one of hundreds of thing T-Shirts effectively promote. Try promoting your business, event, or idea with T-shirts, and discover how widely your message spreads with a group of people wearing your shirts. Leadership Team T-shirts, or any similar concept, can visually present your message to a wide audience, potential buyers or participants. Get your message across, visually, to everyone who reads T-Shirts. The impact can substantially expand your influence and even your bottom line.
Just Click Printing produced these shirts in our production facility in Farmington, NM. We ship nationwide, offer prices comparable to other nationwide T-shirt printers, provide fast production, and give great service. Just Click Printing is online ( http://www.justclickprinting.com/t-shirt-design-studio-durango-farmington/ ), or you can come into either of our shops in Farmington, NM, or Durango, CO, or give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you.
You might also be interested in banners, car door magnets, graphic design, and other print service related items. We are a full-service, commercial printing company . Keep us in mind for all your printing needs.
BMB Festival T-Shirts
BMB Festival T-Shirts, 2014, were produced by Just Click Printing, THE T-Shirt Makers. We produced this shirt for The Brews, Meats, Bands Festival which takes place in September at Lions Wilderness Park & Ampitheater in Farmington, NM. These BMB Festival T-shirts were ordered by Majestic Media, publisher of Majestic Living Magazine and Four Corners Sports Magazine, to help publicize the festival. This is the white print version on a gray T-Shirt, but we printed this t-shirt in a six color version, about 300 t-shirts, as well as a couple of tank top versions. These were for the 2nd Annual BMB Festival held Sept. 20, 2014, in Farmington, NM, with several brewing companies involved, many styles of BBQ ribs, and some top Rocky Mountain fiddle and rock bands.
What about your festival, your rodeo, your theater production, your . . . your T-Shirts? Just Click Printing can supply the screen printed T-shirts you need to make you look good, at a good price, with quick delivery. We ship nationwide from our facilities in Farmington, NM and Durango, CO. Check the website for online pricing and other pertinent information. We are “Printing Powered by People”, just the kind of people you want working for you. Do something together, and let us help you make it turn out just like you want it. http://www.justclickprinting.com/t-shirt-design-studio-durango-farmington/
Custom T-Shirts
Custom T-Shirts – Just Click Printing designs and prints Custom T-shirts in house. “Do Something Together”, with unique T-Shirts, colorful, informative, custom designed T-shirts to meet your needs. T-shirts are just the vehicle needed to get your message across, whether it is an event you sponsor or a business you want to build or advertise. Your imagination is the limit (although we reserve the right not to print objectionable material). And, T-Shirts go everywhere people go. They present a huge variety of information, and meet the important advertising concepts of retention and multiple use. You get repeat advertising every time and everywhere someone wears one of your custom t-shirts. Just Click Printing can design and print as few as 5 T-Shirts of any one design or 5000, 10,000 if you need them. We have quick turn-around time, pricing is available online or by phone or email, or you can personally come into either Just Click Printing shops in Farmington, NM, or Durango, CO. We can use about any brand of t-shirt you need. We can design what you need or use your design. Custom screen printing for custom t-shirts is one of our specialties.
We ship T-shirts nationwide, as we do with any of our other printed products, from a business card to a brochure, from a T-shirt to a vinyl banner. Just Click Printing is the printing company you trust to supply your printing needs. We are Printing Powered by People, helpful, experienced, dedicated people, ready to serve you. So, if it is T-Shirts for a sports team, a family reunion, a major community-wide event, or your uncle’s birthday, or your business, contact us for timely, convenient, reasonably priced Custom T-shirts.Contact us at http://www.justclickprinting.com/t-shirt-design-studio-durango-farmington/